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Posted by Rowe Plastic Surgery on 01/15/2024

Gynecomastia Surgery In New Jersey


Breast protuberance and excess breast tissue in men can be a major source of self-consciousness and even embarrassment. Enlarged male breasts can be treated with gynecomastia surgery, which eliminates excess tissue to create a more sculpted, lean, and masculine chest. You can achieve excellent body contouring results by relying on well-trained, experienced plastic surgeons in New York City and New Jersey. The cosmetic surgeons at Rowe Plastic Surgery offer an extensive array of advanced breast surgery procedures, using minimally invasive techniques and creating the youthful, natural look that you’ve always desired.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction)?

Male breast reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery or “man boob surgery”, aims to reduce the size of male breasts by removing excess fat and breast tissue. This procedure is often performed on men who have enlarged breasts as a result of hormonal imbalances, obesity, or medication use. It is typically done on an outpatient basis, allowing a return to work and normal activities within a few days.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

The most common causes of breast enlargement in men include:

  • Lower levels of testosterone
  • An increase in the hormone estrogen

Such hormonal fluctuations can be normal during different phases of life and can affect infants, children who have just entered puberty, or older men.

Read more: https://normanrowemd.com/procedures/breast/gynecomastia-male-breast-reduction-nyc/

Working Hours:

Available 24 Hours for Emergency Care. 

For Appointments Call Between 8AM-8PM.

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

Rowe Plastic Surgery

267 Broad St,

Red Bank, NJ 07701

Office Tel # (732) 838-6640

Fax: (732) 852-2771



Location on the map:


https://plus.codes/87G78WVP+6C Red Bank

Nearby Locations:

Red Bank:

Red Bank | Shrewsbury | Shrewsbury Township | Little Silver | Fair Haven

07701, 07704 | 07702, 07703 | 07724 | 07739, 07757

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